Guy J jedan je od omiljenih di-džejeva naših klabera. O povezanošću sa domaćom publikom govori: “Imao sam tu sreću da sam počeo da dolazim u Srbiju ne baš tako davno i od svog prvog nastupa u vašoj zemlji, osetio sam odličnu konekciju sa publikom. Zapanjujuće je videti kako ta konekcija vremenom postaje sve jača.”
Izraelski producent i di-džej Guy J, koji je tokom protekle decenije nadmašio čak i najluđa očekivanja svojih kolega i publike i Dmitry Molosh, jedan od novih zvezda iz Belorusije, nastupiće u petak 22. juna na glavnoj bini Barutane uz podršku kralja progressive-a, di-džej Bokee-ja.
Pred svoj prvi nastup u Barutani, svojim fanovima poručuje: “Radio sam na novoj produkciji od moje poslednje posete Beogradu, a i dosta toga sam čuo o samoj Barutani – siguran sam da ćemo se super provesti zajedno!”
Na početku karijere bio je pod psy-trance i progressive uticajima svoje domovine, a nakon kratkog perioda prihvatio je sve žanrove elektronske muzike, kako bi svojoj produkciji dao svu širinu koja predstavlja niz emocija koje podstiču njegovu kreativnost.
Na putu da postane jedan od glavnih umetnika ove elektronske generacije, Guy J ima veliki broj izdanja na eklektičnoj listi poznatih svetskih izdavačkih kuća. Zanemarivanje granica dovelo je njegovu žanrovsko raznovrsnu Lost & Found etiketu na sam vrh najznačajnijih underground brendova, a njegove mikseve vole svi – house, techno i trance publika.
We have never interview someone who actually started producing with 14 yrs of age?! Huge respect! Where the influence and knowledge acame from?
Thank you 🙂 the influence came up froam growing up in Tel Aviv, the electronic music scene at the time and also today was very big, you could get exposed to that easily! I felt involved with it immediately 🙂
Your music featured on two famous labels that are also two very different scenes Tiga’s Turbo and Digweed’s Bedrock Record. Can you tell us how you actually look on that fact and also where are you finding such different inspiration?
My goal when I got to start releasing music was not to lock myself under one genre. I just love electronic house music and I want to do everything, every genre have something unique and the fact I got to release music on 2 big labels that are very different in genre was like “approve” that it is possible!
Is something new in the Lost & Found kitchen. What’s the new on the menu we can expect?
There is beautiful release from Guy Mantzur coming out in September on vinyl, also there is remixes for Chicolas album coming out in July with remixes from Ruede Hagelstein, Johannes Brecht and Karmon and many more great music.
We know that Israel electronic scene is very strong. So, basically, it was even harder for you to break through. How did you manage to get noticed, what do you think?
I think because the thing was so strong it was easy to be exposed and get inspired, its true there is a lot of competition but sometimes this competition creates more passion to what you do.
Digweed had a massive influence to your career. Can you describe a cooperation with John?
I know John for many years now and I think it was one of the biggest gift I could have in my career. First of all as a fan, to know someone you been following, and it is amazing and to discover that he is super down to earth person it is a reward.
Have you ever heard a track or a set that was so good – you wish you produced it?
Mmm not really, and not cause it wasn’t good. I heard many amazing music but I think it all made me have more respect and appreciation to the person who made it and made me learn. Also it is not good to be jealous 🙂
We heart about 20 hour back to back set with Hernan Cattaneo at Stereo. How do you prepare for a 20 hour set? o.O
That was the magic of the night, we didn’t prepare at all. Hernan and I are friends and we know each other very well, so when something like that comes up, you just come to the club and start to play music.
After a decade on the scene with, we often remember our beginnings … Is it good at time to look back or just forward and never look back? To whom or what do you owe for a long survival on the scene?
It’s always good to keep in mind where you came from and who are the people who really helped you for 2 reasons. First is to stay on the ground and second is to wait for the time that you can help others.
In nightlife it is very easy to lose the ground and become different person (most of the time not for good), so if you have in your mind a room that keeps all the things that help you start it is great.