

Intervju: Francesco Robustelli

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Nakon što se 2006. godine preselio u Amsterdam, Frančesko je ubrzo otkrio ljubav prema House-u i Techno-u.Inspirisan muzikom koju je čuo na amsterdamskoj klupskoj sceni,počeo je da producira svoju muziku.Tokom godina nastavio je iznova da definiše svoj zvuk, što je na kraju dovelo do njegovih setova uživo.

Dok je radio u svom studiu na severu Amsterdama, Fračeskov zvuk je evoluirao iz duboko minimalističkog gruva, do veoma energičnog House-a i Techno-a.Kao takav, nije ostao neprimecen od strane publike, što je rezultiralo rezidenturama u Rebellionu i Schmeck Pony-ju, izdanjima za amsterdamske labele Melomane, Louche and 90 Watts i Modern Playground, kao i nastupima u najboljim amsterdamskim klubovima kao što su Studio 80 i Paradiso..

Više o njemu možete pogledati na njegovom DJ Profilu.


1. Recite nam, kako je sve počelo?

Pretpostavljam da je sve počelo kada sam se preselio u Amsterdam i počeo da izlazim ovde u klubove i idem na festivale . Minimal-Techno je stvarno tada bio u trendu i neki prijatelji su počeli da proizvode muziku i odlučili da se bave DJ-ingom. Pre nego što sam znao, napustio sam školu i svaki dan sam radio na svom sluhu i puštao techno.Nakon toga sam odrstao i izgradio svoj sluh i ljudi su počeli da me primećuju zbog toga.Posle par jako cool nastupa i dešavanja, stvari su počele da napreduju i sve je došlo na svoje mesto.

2. U kojim drugim zemljama si takođe puštao?

Do sada sam puštao u Belgiji, Tunisiji, Malti i Nemačkoj, I nadam se da ću obići još više zemalja i lepih mesta.

3. Koji je događaj najbolje prošao do sada gde si puštao?

To je teško pitanje,zato što sam prisustvovao na jako puno dobrim dešavanjima! Haha,ali moram reći da je prošle godine, moja svirka na krovu Maltese-a bilo stvarno nešto drugačije, i b2b liveset koji sam svirao sa mojim dobrim prijateljem i kolegom Rauwkost-om, na Secret Garden Festival-u je bilo stvarno fenomenalno, zatvarali smo glavnu binu te noći ,a nikada ranije nismo zajedno puštali b2b, i samo je eksplodiralo! Naši zvuci su zaista različiti, ali se poklapaju tako dobro, i to je sjajan osećaj,radiš sa nekim veoma bliskim tebi,takođe postane sve ličnije. 

4. Kada puštaš,jel unapred planiraš set ili ne?

Pa,delimično. To je zato sto sam uvek puštao live set(nikada DJ) Otprilike znam šta ću da uradim.Mnogo pripremim kući,ali uvek držim to na umu da ono što radi ovde,možda ne bude radilo negde drugde, pa držim jako puno traka sa strane, pa i mogu da se prebacim na drugi zvuk kad god poželim , ili kada vidim da publika trazi nesto drugačije, na primer malo vise “razdražljivog” zvuka ili obrnuto. Velika je stvar o puštanju uživo je da možes mnogo da se igraš , a improvizuju tako da nikada ne puštaju dva puta isti set. 

5.Najsmešnija stvar koja se desila na događaju?

Tokom seta neka devojka me je jednom pitala da li bih mogao da pustim Lykke Li – I Follow Rivers, pa sam joj rekao da može da okusi nesto drugo,ona je pobesnela i odšetala je, haha !

6.Koji VST-a/dodatke volite da koristite u produkciji?

Ja uglavnom koristim The Waves dodatke za obradu, kao što dolaze najbliže analogne obrade unutar DAW nego nešto drugo što sam pokušao do sada.Takođe volim Arturia replike klasičnih sintisajzera.

7. Opiši nam malo elektronsku muzičku scenu u Amsterdamu?

Stvarno je otvoreno,a toliko toga se dešava, svako organizuje žurke ili DJ-ing ili se bavi produkcijom, tako da možete da sarađujete dosta sa svim vrstama različitih ljudi. Postoji velika kreativna industrija ovde, i zato što  je Amsterdam mali, svako je zaista blizu da ga čini vrlo lakim da samo sednete i doprete do novih koncepta ili saznati na koji način ljudi mogu da sarađuju.

8. Šta je vaš plan za budućnost?

Da postanem bolji u čemu radim! Ove godine sam takođe počeo da organizujem žurke, i zaista to volim, jednostavno je sjajno videti dolazak koncepta u životu nakon što sam proveo mnogo napornog rada na njemu. I možda, u budućnosti ću započeti svoj Label, Ili ću možda nešto sa strane da radim sa grafičkim dizajnom, zaista samo treba da budem u kreativnom okruženju sve vreme.

9. Nastupao si nedavno @ ADE 2012 zajedno sa Christian Smith, Mauro Picotto, Dosem, Wehbba-om.. Mnogo izvođača širom sveta sanjaju da budu deo takvog lineup-a, koji su tvoji utisci žurke?

Ta žurka je bila organizovana od strane mojih dobrih prijatelja na Schmeck Pony-u, oni uvek imaju velike lineup-ove i kul lokacije za svoje žurke, tako da je bila čast za mene da budem deo takve kul linije. Organizacije ovde će uvek paziti na predstojeći talenat, što je lepo, jer možete završiti na događajima poput ovog!.

10. Hvala vam za vaše vreme, nadam se da ćemo vas uskoro videti u Srbiji! P.S. Bonus pitanje:

U kom iznosu SAE institut je popravilo vaše veštine kao producent?

Pa moram da kažem da je to uglavnom bila miks-tehnika, možete naučiti mnogo tome kako se ponašaju zvuci i značaj kombinovanja vaše numere na pravi način. Ne ide baš puno u korist kreativnog dela produkcije, ali i to je nešto što mislim da treba da dođe od sebe.

Vid Marjanović  // Clubbing.rs / Vibe Yourself /


Moved to Amsterdam in 2006, Francesco quickly discovered his love for House and Techno. Inspired by the sounds he heard in the Amsterdam club scene, he started producing his own music.Over the years he kept redefining his sound, which eventually resulted in his live set.

Operating from his studio on the north-side of Amsterdam, Francesco’s sound evolved from deep minimalistic grooves to very energetic pumping House and Techno, and didn’t go unnoticed by the public, which resulted in residencies at Rebellion and Schmeck Pony, releases on amsterdam based labels Melomane, Louche and 90Watts and Moder Playground, and performances in Amsterdams finest clubs including Studio80 and Paradiso.

More about him you can see on his DJ Profile.

1. So how did it all begin?

I guess It began when I moved to Amserdam, and started going to clubs and festivals here. Minimal techno was really big here back then, and some friends started producing music and began DJing. Before I knew it I quit my school and was producing techno everyday, then I started to grow in my own sound and people were beginning to notice me for that. After some really cool events things just started to roll everything came in to place.

2. Which other countries have you played on?

So far i have played in Belgium, Tunisia Malta and Germany. and I hope so see a lot of other countries as well!.

3. What’s the best event you’ve played at/put on?

That’s a hard question, because I had a lot of great events! Haha,but I have to say that the past year my gig on a Maltese rooftop was really something different, and the b2b liveset I played with my good friend Rauwkost at the Secret Garden Festival was really awesome, we closed the mainstage that night, and we never did a b2b liveset before, and it just exploded! Our sounds are really different but it blended so well together, and it was a great feeling doing something like that with someone really close to you, it makes it a lot more personal, too.

4. When you play is this pre planned set?

Well, partly. This is because I always play a liveset (I never DJ) I kind of know what imgonna do. I prepare a lot at home. But I always keep in mind that something that works here, maybe doesn’t work somewhere else, so I keep a whole lot of tracks on the side, so I can switch over to a different sound when I want to, or when I see that the public needs something different, like a more ‘’techy’’ sound or the other way around. The great thing about playing live is that you can play around a lot, and improvise so you never play the same set twice.

5. Funniest thing that ever happened at an event?

During a set some girl once asked me if I could play Lykke Li – I Follow Rivers, so wheni told her she could have a lick of something else, she got pissed and walked away, haha!.

6. Which VST’s/plugins you prefer to use in your production?

I mostly use the Waves plugins for the processing, as they come closest to analog processing inside a DAW then anything else I have tried so far. I also like the Arturia replicas of classic synths. 

7. Describe us a little Amsterdam electronic music scene?

Its really open, and there so much going on, everyone is throwing parties andDJing or producing, so you can collaborate a lot with all kinds of different people. There’s a big creative industry here, and because Amsterdam is relatively small, everyone is really close by so it makes it very easy to just sit down and come up with new concepts or find out in what ways people can work together.

8. What’s your plans for future?

Getting better at what I do! This year I started to organize parties too, and I really like it, its just great to see a concept coming to life after you spent a lot of hard work on it. And maybe, in the future I’ll start my own label. Or maybe do something on the side with graphic design, I just really need to be in a creative environment all the time.

9. You played recently @ ADE 2012 together with Christian Smith, Mauro Picotto, Dosem, Wehbba.. Many producers from around the world dream to be a part of such line up, what’s your impressions about that party ?

That party was organized by good friends of mine at Schmeck Pony, they always have great line-ups and cool locations for their parties, so it was an honor for me to be part of such a cool line-up,  Organizations here always have an eye out for upcoming talent, which is nice because you can end up at events like these!.

10. Thank you for your time, hope to see you soon in Serbia! P.S. bonus question:

In what amount SAE institute improved your skills as producer?

Well I have to say that it was mostly mix-technical, you learn a lot about how sounds behave and the importance of mixing your tracks the right way. I doesn’t go much into thecreative part of producing, but that’s something I think has to come from yourself.


Vid Marjanović  // Clubbing.rs/ Vibe Yourself/

