

Desert Gatherings II with Praed Live (Lebanon)

  • Date: June 7, 2019
  • Time:23:00
  • Location: Belgrade, Serbia
  • Venue: DrugstoreBulevar Despota Stefana 115

The annual +++ gathering brings non other than the Lebanese future folk duo Praed to the Garden of Drugstore.

Praed (Lebanon)
Lenhart Tapes Live
Ali Güney

Influenced by free jazz and psychedelic rock, Raed Yassin and Paed Conca take Arabic pop music called Shaabi to a rollercoaster ride, linking it with Mouled, music used in religious trance ceremonies thus creating a groundbreaking option for the exotic sounds of the Middle East. Praed have just released their fourth album entitled „Doomsday Survival Kit“ on Akuphon, which they are eager to present to Belgrade’s audience for the first time. Their previous material includes two albums released on Annihaya Records – „Fabrication of Silver Dreams“ from 2016 and „Made in Japan“ from 2011, as well as their debut „The Muesli Man“ released on Creative Sources in 2008. Raed and Paed have spent their recent years touring the world and performing at festivals, weaving a web of collaborators for the days to come.

Local suport comes in formation of Lenhart Tape who will perform Live and two dj sets by Ali Güney and Andria.

Besides their 48hour natureloving endeavour from 2015, plusplusplus has hosted gatherings with Jerusalem In My Heart, Daphni, Derek Plaslaiko and Burnt Friedman as guests, to name a few. Festival crew remains dormant with an exception of their traditional annual summer gathering at our Garden. Exclusive is the word.