Lea Dobričić (Srb)
Tokom godina, Lea koristi svoj poseban/vanvremenski osećaj za muziku, kao i osećaj da razdrma publiku kroz nebrojene plesne podove.
Rođena je u Beogradu, a na nju je uticala lokalna andergraund scena. Sa 10 godina rešila je da unapredi svoju ljubav prema muzici učestvujući u vokalnoj obuci i pridruživanju lokalnom horu. Uvek je znala da joj je predodređeno da deli ljubav i talenat ljubiteljima muzike širom sveta.
2005. godine DJ Lea je odlučila da se preseli u Firencu u Italiju kako bi se pridružila Akademiji likovnih umetnosti. Njeno putovanje u elektronsku muzičku scenu počelo je u malim klubovima oko Firence. Nije bilo previše dugo, ali je postala jedno od skrivenih blaga iz starog grada!
Kao redovni DJ i producent, u mnogim lokalnim klubovima kao što su Tenak, KamKama, Frau Marlene, kao i mnogi drugi klubovi u Italiji, Švajcarskoj, Hrvatskoj, Srbiji … svi su bili zadovoljni njenim performansima.
Ona spinuje zaraznu mešavinu Deep House, Tech house, minimal i techno. Uvek sa preciznom tehnikom i ekstremnom elegancijom, koji vam donosi svežinu i energiju, to je potpuno i jedinstveno, LEA! Harizmatična, jednostavna, veoma talentovana i lepa … ona je imala meteorsku pojavu u elektronskoj muzičkoj sceni, koja je brzo dobila prestižnu poziciju u okruženju koje je preplavljeno muškarcima.
2006. godine bila je pozvana da postane rezidentni DJ u “Moio”, jednoj od glavnih, poznatih ustanova u gradu. Počevši od vrlo skromne postavke, uspela je progresivno da poboljša svoje veštine u relativno kratkom vremenu. Uz brojne časove vežbanja, uspela je da unapredi svoje performanse na potpuno novi nivo. Njen osnovni setup je dve gramofonske ploče i mikser. Iako danas koristi Traktor Scratch, zadržala je “Jokei” u DJ-u: nikada nije prekinula.
U martu 2010. uspešno je pokrenula svoju prvu produkciju (Loud Sound Game – Mark K – Lea Dobricic remix). Danas većinu svog vremena provodi na višestrukim zadacima između Ableton Livea, Logic Proa i različitih sinteva, urednika talasa i biblioteka uzoraka.
U maju 2010. nagrađena je nagradom za takmičenje “Stefano Noferini Remix”. Njen podnesak je bio jedan od stotina razmatranih, jasna izjava o njenom talentu koju je njena strast za muzikom. Remik je objavljen na “Deeperfect” zapisima.
Pobednik takmičenja Burn Studios Residenci 2013. godine i rezident DJ u prestižnom klubu na Ibici – Privilege, nastupala je na Elrov partijama na Ibizi i u Barseloni. Ona je harizmatična, veoma talentovana i atraktivna.
Nastupala je sa mnogo važnih imena na elektronskoj svetskoj muzičkoj sceni kao što su Laurent Garnier, Luciano, Richie Havtin, Umek, Dubfire, Marco Carola i mnogi drugi.
Over the years, DJ Lea Dobricic has been using her distinct, timeless sense of music, and eye for the crowd to move hundreds of partygoers across countless dance floors.
Born in Belgrade-Serbia, she was influenced by the local underground Electronic-music scene. At age of 10, she began to actively pursue her love of music by taking up vocal training and joining the local Choir.
She always knew that she is destined to share her love and talent with music lovers around the world.
In 2005 DJ Lea decided to move to Florence, Italy to join the academy of Fine Arts. Her journey into the electronic music scene started at small clubs around Florence. It was not too long after, that she became one of the hidden treasures of the old city!
Working as a full time DJ and Producer, she has been rocking the house with heart and mind at many of the local clubs such as Tenax, KamKama, Frau Marlene, as well as many other clubs in Italy, Switzerland, Croatia, Serbia… which have all been pleased by her live-performance.
She spins a contagious mix of deep house, Tech house, minimal and techno. Always with precise technique and extreme elegance, bringing you freshness, and energy, that is totally, and uniquely, LEA! Charismatic, easy-going, very talented and beautiful …she had a meteoric appearance in electronic music scene, rapidly gaining a prestigious position in an environment entwined with men.
2006 she was invited to become the resident DJ at “Moyo”, one of the major, well known establishments in the city, Starting with a very modest setup, she was able to progressively improve on her skills in a relatively short amount of time. With Countless hours of practice and many sleepless nights, she was able to drive her performance to whole new level. Her basic interface is two
turntables and a mixer. Though today she plays using Traktor Scratch, she kept the “Jokey” in DJ: she never stopped beat matching. But she did add a MIDI controller for loops and effects.
Driven by her inspiration, she wanted to do more than just play great music; she wanted to make it too! In March of 2010, she successfully launched her first production (Loud Sound Game – Mark K – Lea Dobricic remix) and currently working on several more. Today, she spends most of her time multitasking between Ableton Live, Logic Pro and various synths, wave editors and sample libraries.
In addition, she is now eagerly learning math and physics (Things that she always disliked in school) in order to help her synthesize the right sound that will make that perfect fit.
In May 2010, she was awarded the winning prize of the “Stefano Noferini Remix” Contest. Her submission was one among hundreds reviewed, a clear statement about her talent driven by her passion for the music. Remix is released on “Deeperfect” records.
Winner of Burn Studios Residency contest 2013, resident DJ at prestigious Ibiza club – Privilege, playing on Elrow parties on Ibiza and in Barcelona.
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