

DJ April

Milica Kulić (DJ April) je muzička novinarka iz Banjaluke koja danas redovno radi kao DJ na žurkama širom BiH, a posebno na underground i alternativnim mestima kao što su DKC Incel ili Žiža.

U elektronsku muziku zaljubljena je još od gimanzijskih dana kada je posećivala žurke organizovane u tadašnjim banjalučkim underground klubovima Boomerang, Night Flight, Remington, Music Hall…

Nakon toga ljubav prema elektronici se nastavlja kroz njen posao novinara tokom kojeg za različite medije piše izveštaje i
realizuje emisije i reportaže o najboljim žurkama i festivalima elektronske muzike organizovanim širom regiona i Evrope.

Iako je želja za „drugom stranom“ pulta oduvek bila prisutna, April se 2015. godine upustila u DJ avanturu kao jedan od DJ-eva u bendu Grand Afro Papas. Ubrzo nakon toga nastavlja da radi sama nastupajući širom BiH u klubovima koji njeguju elektronski zvuk. Pored DJ-inga Milica radi PR za festivale, evente i klubove.

U njenim setovima možete čuti trake iz različitih pravaca elektronske muzike, ali najviše se pronašla u Elektronici i Acidu. Žurke su ujedno i idealna prilika da svoju strast prema muzici prenese na publiku.

Milica Kulić (DJ April) is a Music Journalist from Banja Luka who now works regular as a DJ at parties throughout Bosnia, especially on ones that are known as total underground places like Žiža or DKC Incel.

She has been in love with Electronic Music since the Gymnasium days (early 2000’s) when she was visiting parties organized at the (then) underground clubs in her home town such as Boomerang, Night Flight, Remington, Music Hall … After that, love for Electronic Music and energy continues through her job as a Journalist as she writes many articles for various media broadcasts and reports audience from the best parties and electronic music festivals organized around Europe.

Although the desire for the “other side” of the stage has always been present, she took first steps as a featured DJ in the band Grand Afro Papas 2015.

Shortly after that DJ April start to work as a solo act getting known as a DJ who prefers quality vibes and who plays something different then other DJ’s in her country. Also, she does PR for many festivals, events and clubs in EX YU.

In her sets you can hear tracks from different genres of Electronic Music but she founded herself mostly in Electronica and Acid. DJ sets are also an ideal opportunity to show her passion for music.